There is one nugget of information I have discovered from this 30 day challenge and it’s only day 3.  Want to know what it is???!?!?!?!  I eat more when I’m not working.  There is it!!!! When I’m at work there is a schedule and food is not right at my fingertips.  I changed my scheduled last April and since then I have steadily gained…(drum roll…..) I eat too much when I’m not working.

My eats today and this is guestimation because I was in and out all day running errands, etc


Gluten free waffle with almond butter

Work out:

10 minutes of weights, 29 minutes of running intervals (3 miles)

Post workout meal:

2 fried eggs, salsa, half avocado

Lunch with the hubby:

Jason’s deli salad bar – spinach, peas, carrots, olives, almonds, 2 hard-boiled eggs, avocado, balsamic vinaigrette dressing

Snack: Lara bar

A little while later: Handful of grapes, and almonds

Snack while making the kids dinner: a spoonful of peanut butter and more grapes

Dinner: 1 1/2 turkey burger patty, half avocado and mustard, 1 glass of wine

Parenthood Series finale: 2 glasses of wine

Holy crap that is a lot of food!  I drank a gallon of water today but it is harder to get in when I’m not working.  All the extra calories are adding up, but I’m happy I’m recording everything!  Onto day 4 and healthier weekend!